Stone Dust is widely used as a setting bed for any of the various types of stone pavers (flagstone pavers such as bluestone being an example) used by homeowners in small projects. It can be smoothed to create a very flat surface and it is strong enough to support the weight of stone pavers, which can be quite significant.
Runner Crush is most commonly used in home projects as a compactible sub-base material. It is a combination of coarse and fine aggregates that form a solid, level base of support for the top layers of things like driveways, patios, and structural foundations.
#2 Onondaga Round is a decorative stone that looks great around pools, flower beds, walking paths and many other applications. They can also be used around trees, shrubs, decks and driveways. The benefits include resistance to fading, wood pests, discoloring, washing and blowing away.
#3/4 Onondaga Round is a popular choice for those looking to use river rock for pathways because it’s beautiful in outdoor spaces, small enough to walk on, but not big enough to trip over. River Rock helps soil absorb more water and prevents runoffs. It also offers excellent drainage for construction projects.
1 cubic yard of stone will cover ~75 to 85 sq ft at a 3” depth
Cubic Yard
1/2 Cubic Yard
Cubic Yard
1/2 Cubic Yard
Cubic Yard
1/2 Cubic Yard
1/2 Ton Pickup – Approximately 1 Yard
3/4 Ton Pickup – Approximately 2 Yards